Jumat, 02 Juli 2010

IU Feat. 2AM Seulong - Nagging

annyeong chingu yaaa~

i really love this song. and now i'm the biggest fan of IU!
why you are so cute girl?
she is the cutest person that i know maybe. hahaha.
she is really talented, beautiful, cute and so on~

and for Seulong, mmmm he is my foavorite member in 2AM :D
so, the reason why i love this song is because both of them are my favorite.

try to listen the lyrics of this song.
after i listen this song, i really want to have a boyfriend. hahaha.
so sweetttt~

unfortunately the MV is so short, just reff part..

and this is one of their Live performance in Mubank..

this song won Mutizen award a couple days ago.
cukhahae to both of you!~ :)

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